Friday, December 5, 2008


hari ini gak dimulai dengan sesuatu yang baik

awalnya dimarain, dikutuk dan dihujat orang dari dalem

mobilnya masing-masing karena mobil gw ada dijalur yang

salah - alias jalur seberang, jalanan itu 2 arah tapi gak me-mungkinkan

untuk ada mobil ke tiga dijalanan itu.

Semua bermula dari ke-kesal-an gw terhadap satu metro mini berwarna

orange yang berenti-berenti mulu depan gw untuk nurunin/naikin

penumpang sampe akhirnya gw coba untuk

lewatin si metro yang ada malah ternyata didepan uda rapeeeeeeeeet

banget dengan antrian lampu meraaaahh

akhirnya diklaksonin sama mobil2 lain disaat gw mencoba untuk masuk lagi dijalur

kiri...i was really fucked up!!, gak nyangka kalo tnyata uda padet antrian lampu

merahnya didepan si metro mini itu...ugggggggggghhh, sampe skarang sih Alhamdulliah gw gak

mau motong jalan orang pas lagi ngantri gituhhh...keseeelll, sorry i didnt mean it..

just wanna pass that darn METRO MINI

sampe kantor ada tmn cwe yang kmarin jalan wit my ex and my friend said that he's

actually still care of me...yeaaaaaaaaaahhhh ritttttttteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

lucu aja penjelasan dia yang masi coba cari alibi kejadian2 dahulu kala, dan

teteeeep ajah keep his pride and ego floating..hihiihihii, lucunyah!!

pas istirahat went out havin lunch with the expats boys from the office (lucu

deh there were the italian, the chile, the australian-vietnamesse, the pure australian

and pure indonesian -me and one girl-friend:) and when Ney called, i didnt

really tell him where and with whom i having lunch with

he suddenly havin a great amount of jealous when he finally asked (and i told it),

this is actually the first time i saw him really pissed like that..i really think

he felt threaten of those boys:) thats funny and annoying at the same time.

Lalu, one of my girl-friend try to hook me up wit one of the guy at the office

(and the guy's friend also did that) which somehow made me a bit blush......hehehe

i somehow feel still attractive to some guys despite the bitterness i had this

morning for starter.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

backpacker vs yakuza

Thursday, Nov 27th

dari pada basi gak ngapa2in abis pulang kantor, akhirnya mampir ke pim. Niatnya mau beli CD Kanye West tapi pas sampe disc tarra tnyata gak ada...akhirnya liat2 ke ace hardware buat bli tumbler daaaan gak ada juga.

Ujung-ujungnya ke gramedia, liat2 buku dan majalah design interior selama setengah jam-an(yang akhirnya kebeli 4 buku) trus liat2 buku di deretan best-seller di bagian depan toko. 2 books caught my eyes, pernah liat kedua buku itu beberapa bulan lalu di resensi majalah2 yang pernah gw baca then i grabbed them rite away.... this is going to be great !!!

mulai baca The Naked Traveler malemnya slama sejam-an dan habis 50 halaman, scara besoknya masih kerja so gotta sleep early dan besoknya dikantor sambil colongan baca-baca sedikit..soalnya ngasi tips2 yang berguna dan takjub sama pengalaman2 nya Trinity around the globe, sampe pulau2 yang gak never really heard before jadi kedengeran interesting dan langsung punya niat-an deh ngeliat kaya apa dsana. i finally done reading it on saturday morning.

continued with the Shoko Tendo - Yakuza Moon, really feel the Japanesse culture described in the book. Yang tadinya berasal dari keluarga yang "berada" sampe akhirnya really on their

lowest point. Shoko beneran nge gambarin secara detail perjuangan2 dia untuk bertahan hidup dan membantu orang tuanya dengan cara2 yang bikin miris, its worth to read...(setelah selesai baca pasti penasaran sama mukanya Shoko....well, i'll let you have a sneak peak on the left)

Shoko skarang jadi single parent di Tokyo, terakhir dia pacaran sama fotografer but didnt work out dan dia decide untuk nge-besarin anak dari si fotografer itu go girl !!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

She is not ..

Fat akhirnya turn down the offer !!!!...
dia memutuskan untuk stay dsini *long relieve sigh*
what she considered of not taking it is she's afraid of adjusting the
new environment there

well, thats good !!!! after talkin about the salary thingy with one-of-my-pns- friend
said its not easy to adjust what she'll get with what she earn at the moment
and with her "unpredictable" situation. You may say chances wont come twice but
you have also thinkin what u're facing at the moment..being realistic is what matters now.

She's back doing her everyday routines now and both of us still having shitty-loaded days and facebook days till now *yaaaaayyy* :D

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Love and Berry

heard that title before???

as for me i've just heard and know the meaning of it on Saturday afternoon.

Ceritanya saat gw ajak jalan anaknya Ibu Kost-an (jaman taun lalu pas masi ngekos dket kantor), namanya Dwita masi kelas 6 SD gw ajak nonton Beverly Hills Chihuahua di PIM 2 (Mantan Ibu Kost dan Bapak kost yg anter dia ke PIM tapi dia ditemenin sama Mba Mur yang bantu2 dirumahnya selama jalan sama gw). I just knew it bakalan rame sama anak kecil yang nonton filem itu....tapi gak serame kenyataan yang dihadapin ky kmarin, alhasil dapet seatnya cuma 3 deret dari depan...huahhhh nongaaaaaaaa deh tu nontonnya.

Anyhow what is Love and Berry?

ternyata ini niiiihh, pantesan pas tadi lagi makan sblm nonton nanya ke Mba Mur

"Mba biasanya Ade suka main apa?"

dia jawab " main love and berry di tmenpat game dalem XXI" dan gw sambil puter otak dan inget2 pernah denger kata-kata itu

ato nggak?????

tnyta pas uda liat gamenya kaya disamping itu really is addictive, jadi setelah masukkin token koinnya u will get a card, entah gambarnya baju cwe, sepatu, hair style or hair color dan gamenya itu emang mengharuskan pemainnya matching-in kategori permainan yg dipilih dengan kartu yang dia dapet, entah Street Wear/ Ball (gown) / Daily Wear etc...

dan kalo gak punya kartu yang match kategori pakaian nya terpaksa pinjem punya sebelah ato tukeran sama temen...i dont know whether you got the point or not pastinya game itu punya efek adiktif.

As for the movie, i love to hear Drew Barrymore's voice as a spoiled-beverly hills-chihuahua :)

Friday, November 14, 2008

is she not?

Fat, my work partner selama setahun ini tnyata nyoba tes jadi PNS kemarin-kemarin dan akhirnya dia hanya tinggal nunggu hari buat wawancara terakhir yang menentukan masuk ato nggak, which i think she got 98% possibility of hired on becoming pegawai negeri.

what i'm thinking is i'm going to be swamped with what she left behind later on and need some time to adjust or continue of what she's doin now and with her substitution, kynya masi got no clue when she's leaving. Kept thinkin about it the whole night (last nite).

Fat was actually still doubt about her choice, but she really dreaming of become PNS as she said to me back then but I never realize it will come this fast. She's looking for advices which 70% agreed to take it and 30% to blow it off and i'm one of the 30% since i'm only telliing to follow her heart but did gave comparison to here and there, there will be no bonus - no working (holidays) abroad (or Bali trip) that often..he .. he :p - kind of hard to lose her. She probably looking for a steady job for her future but what i've heard (correct me if i'm wrong) its not easy to compete or climb up for the career improvement over there, its always based on political issues. (does it?).

just cant wait to hear her final decision, hope its best for her in the end.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

jakarta + ujan = macet (banged)

whew... lagi tumben smalem pulang tenggo lagi karena Ney gak bisa ktemuan dan ternyata
emang udah bener banget kalo pulang kerja dari kantor (or dari centrepoint manapun) jam 8an malem..maced nya Naudzubillah kalo balik kantor jam 6 or 7an, motor2 yang berseliweran kaya laron dan mobil-mobil yang kayanya peliiit banget ngasi jalan (klo Ney bilang "mreka pada mau cepet2 pulang kali - pdhal klo gw tanya pas pagi2 ke dia, jawabnya "mungkin pada mau cepet2 sampe kantor kali".. hee???)

akhirnya saking bingung mau ngapain, nyanyi teriak2 udah, telpon2an udah juga... berhasil lah mengambil foto situasi jalanan (dont know what the surroundings think:) , if you look closely to one of the disalah satu foto yg banyak motornya keliatan tuh panjang banget antriannya.

alhasil setelah perjuangan maced-maced-an, manage to stay alive at home at about 7.15pm dan nonton sisa film The Love Guru yang kmrin belum kelar ditonton, i never push myself to watch a movie above 10pm at working days unless it's for Heroes or Greys Anatomy. Overall, the movie is quite funny (but not untill hillarious part) for imitating the Indian's music n dance(the talented Mike Myers:), its recommended if you want to have a nice light movie for weekend.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Quantum of Solace

yayy...nonton sama Ney sore-sore di hari jumat kmarin yg cloudy
he arrived there earlier coz i still got something to do, trus dia bilang klo uda pilih row yang ditengah (as i told him before)
tapi setelah kita masuk studio, turns out seatnya di pinggir kanan dan duduk terlalu didepan (even on the premiere studio which he bought now yang isinya mungkin gak lebih dari 10 row).

What i meant earlier is Row tengah dan Seat tengah, but he ask the lady in the counter for the best seat, and she recommended three Row from below and Right seat position..hummm, sempet grumpy karena ngeliat layarnya agak nenggak keatas, pegelll karena terlalu deket sama screen, (since i always bought Middle Seat and Row - the best view ever!!!!) tapi kasian juga sama Ney, tadi dia sempet keujanan pas cari taxi perjalanan ke Senci (i drove the car coz he didnt want me soaking wet if its rain in the evening...sweet:)

overall, the movie was quite entertaining - tapi kadang suka bertanya tanya knapa Daniel Craig only looks HOT when he cast as Bond, not in his other movie..di film lain dia kliatan byasa aja tuuh,
trus the Bond's ladies lately was not a really well-known actreess compared to Pierce Brosnan era and before him, don't you think or just its just my thinkin'????

Ney is currently having a diet and i decided to have tuna & garden salad for our dinner, hope you getting thinner soon :)