he arrived there earlier coz i still got something to do, trus dia bilang klo uda pilih row yang ditengah (as i told him before)
tapi setelah kita masuk studio, turns out seatnya di pinggir kanan dan duduk terlalu didepan (even on the premiere studio which he bought now yang isinya mungkin gak lebih dari 10 row).
What i meant earlier is Row tengah dan Seat tengah, but he ask the lady in the counter for the best seat, and she recommended three Row from below and Right seat position..hummm, sempet grumpy karena ngeliat layarnya agak nenggak keatas, pegelll karena terlalu deket sama screen, (since i always bought Middle Seat and Row - the best view ever!!!!) tapi kasia

overall, the movie was quite entertaining - tapi kadang suka bertanya tanya knapa Daniel Craig only looks HOT when he cast as Bond, not in his other movie..di film lain dia kliatan byasa aja tuuh,
trus the Bond's ladies lately was not a really well-known actreess compared to Pierce Brosnan era and before him, don't you think or just its just my thinkin'????
Ney is currently having a diet and i decided to have tuna & garden salad for our dinner, hope you getting thinner soon :)
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