Friday, December 5, 2008


hari ini gak dimulai dengan sesuatu yang baik

awalnya dimarain, dikutuk dan dihujat orang dari dalem

mobilnya masing-masing karena mobil gw ada dijalur yang

salah - alias jalur seberang, jalanan itu 2 arah tapi gak me-mungkinkan

untuk ada mobil ke tiga dijalanan itu.

Semua bermula dari ke-kesal-an gw terhadap satu metro mini berwarna

orange yang berenti-berenti mulu depan gw untuk nurunin/naikin

penumpang sampe akhirnya gw coba untuk

lewatin si metro yang ada malah ternyata didepan uda rapeeeeeeeeet

banget dengan antrian lampu meraaaahh

akhirnya diklaksonin sama mobil2 lain disaat gw mencoba untuk masuk lagi dijalur

kiri...i was really fucked up!!, gak nyangka kalo tnyata uda padet antrian lampu

merahnya didepan si metro mini itu...ugggggggggghhh, sampe skarang sih Alhamdulliah gw gak

mau motong jalan orang pas lagi ngantri gituhhh...keseeelll, sorry i didnt mean it..

just wanna pass that darn METRO MINI

sampe kantor ada tmn cwe yang kmarin jalan wit my ex and my friend said that he's

actually still care of me...yeaaaaaaaaaahhhh ritttttttteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

lucu aja penjelasan dia yang masi coba cari alibi kejadian2 dahulu kala, dan

teteeeep ajah keep his pride and ego floating..hihiihihii, lucunyah!!

pas istirahat went out havin lunch with the expats boys from the office (lucu

deh there were the italian, the chile, the australian-vietnamesse, the pure australian

and pure indonesian -me and one girl-friend:) and when Ney called, i didnt

really tell him where and with whom i having lunch with

he suddenly havin a great amount of jealous when he finally asked (and i told it),

this is actually the first time i saw him really pissed like that..i really think

he felt threaten of those boys:) thats funny and annoying at the same time.

Lalu, one of my girl-friend try to hook me up wit one of the guy at the office

(and the guy's friend also did that) which somehow made me a bit blush......hehehe

i somehow feel still attractive to some guys despite the bitterness i had this

morning for starter.

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